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Numerology is a website I built that tells you your destiny number. It is based on the Chaldean Numerology system which is the understanding of Alphabets and numbers associated to them.


Numerology is something i have been recently introduced to and it intrigued me to study about it. It's a calculation of numbers based on one's name or date of birth and understanding the energy that passes through them and connects it with our stars. So I coded a website that calculates Destiny numbers and explains what the number means. The calculation is based on one’s full birth name or date of birth.


Key Features:

  • Understanding of Chaldean numerology and its concepts

  • How to calculate destiny numbers based on one's full birth name or date of birth

  • How to code a website using programming languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

  • Knowledge of website design and user interface design 

  • How to write clear and concise explanations of numerology concepts and destiny numbers

  • Testing and debugging the website to ensure its functionality and usability

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